Wednesday, January 17, 2007

More Rejections and Trusting The Lord In The Fire

By the end of October, I had finished interviewing with a private equity firm out on the west coast, Lehman Brothers, A.T. Kearney, McKinsey, Citigroup, Deloitte Consulting, Suntrust Securities, Morgan Stanley, Raymond James, and 3 fortune 500's.

I was ashamed to tell people, but the fact is I was rejected by all of them. Coming from a non-target school, non-target major (engineering), and no summer internship in consulting or banking didn't help my cause.

But I remembered a verse in the bible which said we should trust in the Lord in all things and we should not rely on our human understanding. I also remembered the apostle Paul once wrote in Ephesians when he prayed to the Lord about a thorn in his flesh that haunted him throughout his life, and God told him:

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in your weakness."

So I decided to believe that all these rejections were simply preparing me and teaching me not to rely on my mental strength and prowess, but to rely solely on God through Jesus Christ, in my weakness and in my strength.

After all, my hard effort resulted in getting these interviews, but none of them were able to materialize into job offers. I just kept crying out to God to work a Miracle, and to fight these forces that were working against me. I had relied on God to bring me to America, and I knew I had to once again seek his face to get the best job offer.

I also knew that somewhere down the line I had stopped relying completely on God. I had begun to put my faith in statistics, cover letters, resumes, suits, and the stuff most people care about. I stopped depending completely on God, and I knew I had to make a complete change. So I stopped calling around, and I decided to pray, watch, and believe that good things were about to happen, and so that's was what I did.

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